Marketing Mix Optimization helps estimate the impact of past marketing campaigns on sales/footfalls and recommend the right mix of budget among marketing tactics for future period.
Business Challenges
- What is Return on Investment (ROI) of different media, competitor media and promotions on sales/footfalls?
- How to quantify the impact of in-flight campaigns and provide real-time/near real-time insights?
- What is optimal-mix of investment to maximize target KPI across brands/categories?
- What is long-term impact of media investments?
- How do media investment impact the brand metrics like Awareness, Penetration and Loyalty etc.
How does InvoLead Help?
- InvoLead uses advanced Machine Learning approaches to estimate the impact of marketing tactics on Sales KPIs.
- Advanced approaches like Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Bayesian Network Model used to establish interaction impaction across media channels and media campaigns
- InvoLead team uses advanced Machine Learning approaches to estimate the in-flight campaigns and helps creating analytic driven real-time media plans for better Revenue and conversion
- Provides UI based scenario planning to create What-if Scenarios, Spend Based Optimizations and Goal based Optimization scenarios
- Helps in identifying the week level optimal spending or Impression at marketing channel level
Potential Benefits
- Improve ROI in the range of 5% -15% annually
- Reduce media cost by 3% – 10%
- Improve Revenue or Footfalls by 2% – 10%
- Robust Media planning for Brands and Categories